

Kitchen Design 101: 3 Ways To Achieve Rhythm During Remodeling

May 28, 2024
Best Kitchen Designs In Vaughan

Aiming for an ambitious kitchen design or remodelling project? You must know about rhythm and how to use it to your advantage. The previous blog of the Kitchen Design 101 series explored the ideas of scale and proportion. In this instalment, we will address rhythm and three surefire ways to introduce it in your kitchen design.

What Is Rhythm?

In the context of modern kitchen design, rhythm is the flow of the space used to create visual interest and harmony. There are 3 primary ways to achieve this rhythm:

- Rhythm through progression
- Rhythm through repetition
- Rhythm through transition


Rhythm Through Progression


Play around with scale and colour to achieve this type of rhythm. For instance, place smaller decor items in the periphery of your kitchen and slowly increase their scale as you reach the focal point of the space. If experimenting with colour is more up your alley then use neutral colours at the entry point and slowly add more bold and popping hues around your focal point. 


Rhythm Through Repetition


Repeat the same element, colour or pattern to achieve a sense of rhythm. For example, add a wood finish to some of your furniture and repeat the patterns around your modern wood kitchen. Make sure to not go overboard and repeat the element only two to three times to generate intrigue.


Rhythm Through Transition


Open-concept or large kitchens need a clear demarcation to achieve an aesthetic impact. Using a transition to achieve rhythm is the best choice in this case. Add furniture or elements in your modern wood kitchen with distinct lines or curves to create this separation. Bookshelves, arched doorways or eclectic artwork can all help to achieve this spatial transition. A general rule of thumb is to treat these elements like small focal points and the transition will be smooth.

Nima Kitchen & Bath is a leading manufacturer of traditional, custom, and modern kitchen and baths in Vaughan and surrounding regions. With a special focus on European design crafted especially for the North American market, our experts will aid you every step of the way in designing the kitchen of your dreams.

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